Our Story
After Cyehnna was diagnosed with kidney disease Lani and I needed to cover additional medical expenses for specialized treatments and medication. As medical expenses began to accumulate and the strain of an awful situation was only getting worse, the prospect of hope seemed insurmountable. Lani and I cut our monthly expenses, I work as many hours as possible and I work a second job helping out family and friends with home renovation work. Nothing seemed to help and I was frustrated.
One day a friend mentioned holding a fundraiser to help with medical expenses. I jokingly asked "what am I going to sell?" My friend answered "your chili pepper water!" I giggled and jokingly answered, "sure.” I thought to myself "my family and friends enjoy it and request bottles regularly and that at this point I had nothing to lose." We held a fundraiser shortly after and to my surprise we did well. The growing popularity of Wai Ehu Chili Water continues to surprise me.
The Wai Ehu Chili Water is a symbol of hope for Cyehnna. Every bottle we sell helps pay for Cyehnna’s medical expenses.
Contact Us
M-F: 8am - 4:30pm
Information and pricing:
Wholesale and one gallon orders: